#8 Song of Morning, Book 2

Song of Morning, book 2 - The Birth of a Society Run by Love

The night so grueling for humans will pass

And a wonderful morning shall come

The morning is filled with glimmer

Never before would the heart of the people

Become so bright, light and lively

People, for the first time in its thousands of years of history,

Will realize that they have

A heart of kindness beyond their expectations


Man will start to live with love

In the history of mankind, the days when people lived with love

Is in the faraway past

Before the eras people recognize as history

Mankind of the time wore no clothing, in the nude

Lived eating mangos and other fruits

Men fell for women, loved, bore children

Lived helping each other

But unlike people of today

Those of the same family would not quarrel among each other

The men, women and the children born to them all lived together

But, at the same time, mingled with neighbors

And those living in the same forest blended together as one

What belonged to which family was an idea nonexistent

Aiding, loving one another

The structure of families

Became firmer with the progression of history

And eventually became a basic unit of society

Just as one quarrels with another

Families and families started doing the same

Each erecting a thick wall of their own

They now lived by clashing their egos against one another

And that

Has stood as a wall in people in the same region, neighbors, from mingling together

And living by helping each other out

Mankind invented money

And also divided as private property

Land and everything on this planet

Inheriting property rights by passing them down their family lines

And that, too, caused feuds between each man

For all people born on terra firma

Its environment is the one and only paradise they have

And dividing them up as the property of a person, family or nation

Prohibiting others from using it is not the right

All land, trees, mountains, fields, forests, meadows, swamps and seas

Were given to those living on the planet named Earth

As the one and only environment for them to live in

And thus no one shall claim it to be theirs

Every blade of grass, flower, mountain and all

Collectively belongs to all 6 billion humans

Mankind founded families as the basic construct of its social life

Making the pursuit of profit for their own something natural

But that was what kept pitting man against man

And, ultimately, nation against nation

Long ago

When man joyfully lived naked in the woods

There were no families in that sense

Young men and women nurtured their children

The old enhanced harmony with others using their heart

So that the act of each person would not clash with each other

Mankind ran their tribes

Tp gain stronger power by using their head

Amid the collective energy among the harmony of all beings

There, people

Were not tied down so many social rules

Constitutions and laws created by later humans

As well as social systems were nonexistent

People lived only by one rule

To love all living beings with a love

That springs from the deepest part of their soul

There, people

Knew not to do onto others what they themselves did not want to desire

Or, in turn, do onto others what they themselves sought

And that was all it took to keep their society moving smoothly

People needed not complex rules or laws

When raising children, both parents

And all people around them felt the love for the tiny newborn life

And by being loved, children grew healthy and strong


As these children grew up amid the love of the people around them

They, too, became adults filled with love

Today, people struggle to live in a loveless society

Even the children, as they are not truly loved by their parents

Or the people in their society as they grow

Do not know true love even when they become adults

And can only live by the rules set to keep society running

Continuously deteriorating their heart

Even now, as we speak, many children are born into this world

These children, actually

Are tiny lives that were born into this world desiring to be loved

But those living in such an impoverished era

Do not know how to send love to them

Children desire love more than anybody else

Those who are brought up with love

Can transmit it to others once they are older

But for those who do not know of love

All they can do is wander without a clue

A path without a sign

As body grows with age

The light which acts as a signpost

Is in every child born to this planet

And in the heart of all 6 million people across the globe

But most people have failed to notice its existence

Modern man has long shut the door in their heart leading to that light

Thus are largely completely at a loss in how to reach it

And cannot teach their children about such a path

This darkness is mankind’s night

And when dawn breaks

Every person

Will notice that path of light in their heart

And those who do

Will be able to transmit their love to newborn children

As the children will be brought up with love

People will no longer run society via promises bound by law

But love from the heart once morning comes

Man may eventually invent such codes once again

At the moment dawn breaks

Love will fill the heart of all people

So much so that they will think there is no need for such written rules

Many people on Earth

Will rid themselves of discrimination

Both racial and social

And no longer live a life of hoarding wealth for their families

Then, man should be donning some kind of clothing but

Their hearts shall be pure as being in the nude

And just stand in awe under the morning sun

No longer shall national borders carry any meaning

They may exist in some form

But mankind’s heart will easily be connecting beyond them

Blacks, whites, Asians, Eskimos, Native Americans

Men, women, children, the elderly

The healthy, the sick, the intelligent, those not

All people, whatever the reason

Ridding themselves of all prejudice against others is the breaking of dawn

The coming of such a day on Earth

Must be hard to believe

For the people of today

For history has not a single record

Of such human beings


As the heart of mankind is branded with the path to the light

They, after enduring the numerous trials during the night

Can let go of their personal desires

And realize a path of love


Do not think this is just a fantasy

Believe that hidden inside of you

Is the possibility of you transforming so

If each and every man can change

Everybody on the globe will be able to welcome a morning

Most important

Is believing in the love inside the heart of each and everyone of you

Those who cannot believe themselves cannot believe in others

Let alone everyone in the world


If you can realize the true love within yourself

You can firmly believe

That the same is true for every other person in the world

Even within the heart of animals is love

They may be of a different hue from those carried by man

But, ultimately, they are the same

When humans love animals and animals love humans

They will realize the love in their own hearts

The same goes for plants

Plants blossom their flowers

Grow into forests

Providing their fruits to man

That is when the love between plant and humans shall sprout

As well as the love between plant and animals

Even plants will come to learn that there is love in their hearts

And humans who receive their fruits, too

Will notice the love in the heart of plants

It’s the same for rocks and water

Water hydrates all things living

Becoming the root of every life

Transmitting love to every being on Earth

We are worried you may not believe us

No matter how hard we may speak to you

When looking at the path mankind has taken

It is no surprise that you find it hard to believe us

Man, for eons

Killed one another

Tricked and stole from one another

We know that very well

Which is why we also understand that it is hard to believe

In the coming of such a day humanity will change

Please, let go of your doubts, and believe in this path

Humans believe material death is the ultimate end

They fear it

And think that death is their biggest threat

But something more important than the life and death of the material body

Is realizing the true love within

And those who are the first to realize

Can spread the message to the people around them

Triggering a chain reaction of love among the network of people on terra firma

People will awaken all together

Welcoming the coming of dawn

Now, it all may seem unbelievable

When the day humans live only by love

When that day comes

You will come to wonder

How you managed to live any other way

For surviving on love

Is perfect for mankind

Comfortable and wonderful

Why, with such a magnificent way of life

Did we not believe in it or demand it

Deny it without a hope and given up

You will ponder in shock, looking back at your past

After the harsh trials before dawn

The sun soon will rise


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